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How Seaweed Is Reducing Methane Emissions from Dairy Cows & Beef Cattle

How Seaweed Is Reducing Methane Emissions from Dairy Cows & Beef Cattle


  It’s unquestionable that cattle offer sustenance and even livelihoods for people worldwide, but every juicy steak or cold glass of milk comes with an unintended consequence: runaway methane emissions. Like all ruminants, cows release this greenhouse gas as a byproduct of healthy digestion. Yet with roughly one billion-head in the global herd and a […]


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How Dairy Farmers Can Survive COVID-19 and Heat Stress in Dairy Cows

How Dairy Farmers Can Survive COVID-19 and Heat Stress in Dairy Cows


  This summer has been a scorcher. All across the United States, temperatures spiked, bringing on heatwaves that made August 2020 the third warmest on record. These extreme weather patterns create problems for the dairy industry by impairing milk production and lowering cattle reproduction rates. What’s different this year are the unpredictable consequences of COVID-19. […]


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Is Seaweed the Answer to Commercial Poultry Disease Prevention?

Is Seaweed the Answer to Commercial Poultry Disease Prevention?


  From the moment eggs hatch, poultry pick up bacteria from their surroundings, their feed and the people handling them. Much of that bacteria ends up in their GI system, multiplying until they’ve colonized every part of it from the esophagus and the crop to the intestines and cloaca. If commercial farmers are lucky, most […]


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Worried about the Health of Your Pigs? Seaweed Can Give Them a Fighting Chance

Worried about the Health of Your Pigs? Seaweed Can Give Them a Fighting Chance


  In any livestock production system, a sick animal is an expensive animal. For pork producers, the variety of different production diseases and harmful pathogens is almost mind-boggling. African swine fever, PRRS, swine brucellosis, pseudorabies, and other diseases wreak havoc throughout swine herds, diminishing their overall health, meat quality and marketability. Development of a hearty […]


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Can Dogs Eat Seaweed? Yes! Here’s Why You Need It in Your Feed


    When it comes to their canines, dog lovers will do anything to keep their fur babies healthy and wagging their tails for years to come. Regular exercise and vet visits contribute to the wellness and longevity of our four-legged friends, but a high-quality diet is foundational for any dog’s health. The challenge for […]


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Want Dairy Cattle Feed Efficiency? Seaweed Is Your Answer

Want Dairy Cattle Feed Efficiency? Seaweed Is Your Answer


  These days, dairy farmers have plenty of reasons to cry over spilled milk. Growing environmental stress, a 50% drop in milk exports to China, and shortages of hay and other grasses throughout the Midwest are thinning the possible profit margins for dairy farmers. If dairy farmers are going to keep their expenses in check, […]


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