

During hot summer weather, heat stress results in decreased milk production and conception rates of lactating dairy cows. By maintaining optimal rumen function, Tasco® helps dairy cows cope with heat stress and, in turn supports milk production and reproduction functions. As an all-natural nutritional ingredient Tasco® helps maintain optimal rumen function. Tasco® supports gastrointestinal (GI) tract function vital to optimal growth and well-being of dairy cattle. A healthy GI tract supports a strong immune system. Beyond supporting the immune system, Tasco® may lead to other benefits such as maintaining feed intake during heat stress, improving organic digestibility and body condition scores. Tasco® also improves cow comfort.

Tasco® can be incorporated into all dairy cow feeding formulations. There are specific times when Tasco® may support greater GI tract health, including:

  • Heifers, for overall health and muscular development
  • Lactating cows, to maintain conception rates and milk production in the summer months

Learn more about Tasco® in Dairy Feed.

Nuestros Clientes

«Las vacas nunca notaron el cambio en su alimentación. Cuando empieza a hacer calor en junio, mis vacas normalmente se dirigen a la sombra o los estanques. Este año continuaron pastando. De hecho, a pesar de que en julio la temperatura ha sido de más de 100 grados y con mucha humedad, las vacas no se dirigieron a los estanques. y continuaron pastando , mi producción de leche se ha mantenido constante y no ha bajado. Normalmente, pierdo la producción de leche debido al calor del verano.»

– Productores Lácteos, Southwest Missouri